Proposed Super Aakhu Khola Hydropower Project (SAKHP) is located in Dhading District of Central Development Region of Nepal and is a run-off-river project. The licensed project area lies within Lapa and Sertung VDCs. The proposed SAKHP area lies within coordinates of 28°10’00”N and 28°11’44”N latitudes, and 85°02’56”E and 85°04’45”E longitudes. The headworks of the project is located just upstream of the conflunce of Tatopani (Ilep) Khola with Menchet (Bhabil) Khola. The powerhouse is located just upstream of the conflunce of Lapa Khola and Aakhu Khola, approximately 4 km downstream from the proposed head works. The project has been designed to generate 25.4 MW power using water from Tatopoani (Ilep) Khola.
The main objective of the Consulting Services are to study Detail Project Report/Due Diligence Report (latest project report), verify the bills raised by the Contractors appointed by the Developer and all other Project’s construction (at site) related jobs; monitor progress of the project; inform on likely delays (if any); verify specifications of works and material as per specified documents. The Consultant will notify the Developer and the Lead Bank based on contract signed, about the progress of construction work of the Project on monthly basis (or as per the requirement of the consortium), construction work status with reference to the construction schedule and verify the bills submitted.