The hydrological studies of the Bagmati river for Bagmati Action Plan (BAP) has been carried out for its catchment and tributaries from the upstream river point at Baghdwar to downstream point at Katuwal Daha where EI Maven has been involved as one the JV members of consulting firm. The hydrological studies of the project focuses on study of 17 tributaries of Bagmati river.
The available hydrological data of Bagmati river basin within the study area collected from Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DOED) as shown in image below for hydrological Modelling. The present study has been conducted in Bagmati River Basin for hydrological simulation of runoff, one of most important parameter of hydrology using Semi-distributed model. Input data for model as soil map, land use land cover map and meteorological parameter were prepared using Semi-distributed, spread sheets software and other related software.
The model was calibrated and validated using field-measured discharge data at gauged station.
After successful calibration and validation, the Hydrological model of Bagmati basin is then used for computation of flood discharge at different return periods.
Digital Terrain Model (DTM) data of the Bagmati basin been used in conjunction with various software for flood modelling. Similarly, Detail cross-section survey carried out in Bagmati River and its major tributaries has been used for transferring the ground point data. The peak flood discharge at different return period have been computed frequency analysis and hydrological modelling process.
Flood discharge and hydrograph has been used for preparation of flood inundation map of Bagmati river and its tributaries. Bagmati Action Plan is prepared for decades in future for river conservation & management, water quality & quantity improvement and management of sewerage. Hence, this type of runoff model plays vital role for proper water resource management in the future.
Below, we have presented some photographs and analysis/result images:
Some Images of present situation of Bagmati river and its tributaries
Some images of Bagmati Basin Study for Bagmati Action Plan
Some Images during Detail Cross Section Survey