Feasibility Study of Gupche Khola Hydropower Project (7.5 MW)

  • Project: Feasibility Study of Gupche Khola Hydropower Project (7.5 MW)
  • Client: Multi Energy Development Pvt. Ltd.
  • Location: Gosaikunda Rural Municipality -5, Bagmati Province, Nepal
  • Date: Ongoing

The project consist of preparation of Feasibility Study of Gupche Khola Hydropower Project (7.5 MW), carry out the construction planning and scheduling and preparation of drawings. The consultant has completed all the assignment as per ToR.

The proposed Gupche Khola Hydroelectric Project (7.5 MW) is located in Gosaikunda Rural Municipality-5, Bagmati Province, Nepal. The license boundary co-ordinates of the GKHEP (7.5 MW) are 85º 21’ 58” E – 85º 22’ 42” E longitudes and 28º 7’ 47” N – 28º 9’ 11” N latitudes. The projects utilize the water from the Gupche Khola and its tributaries to generate the power. The headworks of the project lies on the left bank of the Gupche Khola at Syafru village in Gosaikunda Rural municipality whereas the proposed powerhouse site is located at the left bank of the Langtang Khola at Domen Village of the Gosaikunda Rural Municipality.

Overall services provided by firm

The scope of services will include, but not be limited to, carrying out the following activities:

  • Supervise Detailed topographic survey of headwork site, powerhouse, pipe alignment 3 km and access roads,

  • Hydrological analysis, rating curve, low flow analysis, and sediment study,

  • Geological assessment and assessment of construction materials, Estimation of energy generation,

  • Preparation of rate ananlysis, quantity estimate and cost estimation

  • Preparation of construction schedule.

  • Supervise Social and environment monitoring with recommendation and implementation of appropriate social and environment mitigation measures.

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