The project consists of preparation of Due Diligence Study of the project for financing purpose with the consortium of banks which is led by NMB Bank Limited. The Consultant has completed all the assignments as per ToR.
The project will utilize the flow available in Kabeli Khola, the tributary of Tamor Khola in the Saptakoshi Basin. As per the Amended Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), the design discharge of the project is 8.91 m3/s at probability exceedance of 46.55 %.
The headworks arrangement of the project is located at the right bank of Kabeli Khola about 100 m downstream of the confluence of Otham Khola and Kabeli Khola. The project is designed for a design discharge of 8.91 m3/s with a gross head of 296.00 m as per the Updated Feasibility Study Report. Based on available reports & drawings, the diversion weir of the project is proposed at 1405.00 m amsl and turbine center line of the project is 1109.00 m amsl.
This project consists of preparation of Due Diligence Study Report of Kabeli-3 Hydropower Project (21.93 MW) which includes review of available design drawings, Updated Feasibility Drawings, PPA documents, generation license documents, generation data and project relevant made available by the Client. The Consultants has completed all the assignments as per ToR.
The major components of the project are headworks arrangement with surface settling basin, headrace pipe, headrace tunnel, surge shaft, penstock pipe, anchor blocks, saddle supports and surface powerhouse. Proposed headworks comprises of an overflow diversion weir, undersluice, side intake, gravel trap and overflow side spillway, approach canal and settling basin. The power generated from the project is planned to be evacuated by 22 km long 132 kV single circuit transmission line to NEA 132 kV Substation at Panchthar District.