This project consists of preparation of Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) report for 132kV Transmission Line of Khimti-2 Hydroelectric Project developed by Peoples Energy Ltd. The main objective of IEE is to identify possible physical, biological, socio-economic and sociocultural impacts due to the project and to propose mitigation measures. The IEE approach, methodology and procedure shall generally follow the provisions of the EPA, 2076 and EPR, 2077. Other relevant Guidelines, Policies, Plans shall also be referred in the Study.
Khimti-2 Hydroelectric Project is Run of River type project with an installed capacity of 48.8 MW being developed by People Energy Limited. The proposed transmission line route consists of 1.81 km (aerial length) 132 kV level single circuit ACSR Bear conductor and Loop In Loop Out Switching station in between Garjyang to New Khimti 132 kV NEA Double Circuit Transmission Line.